Tonight: Say goodbye to the Dead Trees

We never knew Noah was so flexible.
Every time a Boston band moves away (one of the good ones, anyway) one of the Pixies drops dead. Or something like that. From the Dead Trees’ MySpace:
"Although we've had some good times here, The Dead Trees will be moving to Portland, OR, sometime in the coming months. Come out and party at the Middlesex Nov. 12th, as our friends Drug Rug, Tulsa, Age Rings, Mittens, Kelsey Bennett, and Viva Viva will be playing! That's right, party on a Monday. It would be great to see all of our friends before we leave.
Also, The Cribs have cancelled their US tour due to 'scheduling conflicts.' I mean, they knew they were going to be touring, what else could they possibly have to do? So, if you were going to come to The Paradise, come out to The Middlesex instead."
Well, there you have it. We’ll call Frank Black and make sure he’s okay. Bummer that we're losing another one, but at least the trade-off is a show bursting with Boston band awesomeness. We saw a similar line-up at a packed PA’s a few Fridays ago, and the show was incendiary enough to make the Black Lips’ gig at the Middle East that same night seem positively tepid. Get there early, kids, we think this one’s gonna sell out.
In case you missed it: The Dead Trees did a Daytrotter session.
Drug Rug
Age Rings
Kelsey Bennett
Viva Viva