
NYT swallows the Pill

Well, at least that Bravery brawl outside Great Scott last month was good for something: it got the Pill into -- wha? -- the freaking New York Times Sunday Styles section?! Let's recap our favorite lines, shall we?

1. "Alex Zolli, in a vintage two-tone tie, claimed to come by his artfully bedroom hair naturally." [Better watch out: the words "two-tone" are probably what led to that Bravery muck-up in the first place.]

2. "Moz, the drummer for Good North, wore torn black off-the-shoulder T-shirts - a cross between Lou Reed and Edie Sedgwick." [We knew TGN were gay for the actual Morrissey, but when does Mike M. start ripping off Mr. Smith's handle in the Newspaper of Record?]

3. "'The guys here maybe get stereotyped as being gay boys, and they're not,' said the D.J., Ken Powers. Michael Marotta, a promoter, agreed: 'The boys like to wear clothes that fit, and they're definitely into girls.'" [Wouldn't a "no homo" have sufficed? Y'all doth protest a little much.]

4. "A half-naked Moz snogs his bandmate's belly as disco lights flicker over the checkerboard floor." [We rest our case.]
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