[pig roast] Shots from Area Four's 1st Birthday Party, June 14

Good ol' fashioned food fans celebrated Area Four's very first birthday last Thursday, and the whole thing felt like the ultimate laid-back block party in the 'hood. If, of course, your block was populated with nationally acclaimed chefs. I wish I lived on that block, because this was some of the best cookout food I've ever heaped onto a sturdy paper plate. To whomever nabbed the last scrapings of that mac and cheese before I could go back and do the same, nicely done. Here's a few snapshots from the evening.

Holy shit, did I feel a little bad for this pig. But then, it was on my plate, and I forgot all about it. Also, first time witnessing this pressure method. Will freely admit I kind of imagined a luau-style buried-pig roast going down in Tech Square. Sadly, no such luck.

One of the many things they do well over at Area Four: pizza. Perfect crust, perfect blend of toppings.

Just after chef Leviton cracked a "aren't any of you going to comment on his hog?" joke.

No shame. Finished every single bite, then sneakily went back for more. Thanks to everyone behind the festivities that night, I passed out hard with a glorious food & drink coma that night.