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Ceasefire (on this point, at least)

We hereby declare a moratorium on gay-marriage pro- and opponents impugning each other about out-of-state aid -- financial, personnel, or otherwise.

Stand For Marriage Maine, the opposition group behind this fall's People's Veto of the gay-marriage law, sent out a press release today that reads, in part:

One of California's largest gay activist groups held a press conference on Wednesday, August 12, announcing they will be diverting resources to Maine to help to keep Maine's new anti-traditional marriage bill on the law books.

Equality California said at today's press conference their reverse California gold rush will include sending field operatives to Maine, and also, providing direct mail and email solicitations for contributions and volunteers.

A victory in Maine, said a spokesperson for Equality California, is just as important as California and would be a sign that the 'gay marriage tide is turning.'"

Folks, this is the nature of big political campaigns. Wonkish movers and shakers go from state to state, offering their expertise in what is a universally fraught, delicate battle. This isn't a local issue. It's a national concern. It's not surprising that Californians who support gay marriage want to send help or open their wallets for this cause -- especially given the defeat they faced in their own state. Nor is it shocking that national conservative organizations want to help stem the tide here in Maine. Both sides know that the impetus behind federal gay rights legislation is dependent on state decisions. So yes, both sides will take all the help they can get. It's a non-starter that doesn't even reach the level of inside-baseball interest. Moving on!

  • Fake Name said:

    I'm not sure what this "ceasefire" is. You're not going to impugn anyone for accepting out of state aid, something you have done in the past? Is that because you just realized that your side is doing it too? As journalists, shouldn't you just be reporting the events as they happen so that your readers can decide  for themselves what they feel is appropriate? If you declare a moratorium, how will your readers know the facts?

    August 15, 2009 5:32 PM
  • Fake Name said:

    A ceasefire is only declared by the participants in a war. Who is the Phoenix at war with? I thought you were "award winning journalists"? If you are simply advocating for a particular cause, that's fine, but you should drop the "journalist" tag.

    August 16, 2009 10:38 AM
  • Deirdre Fulton said:

    I was suggesting that both sides in the gay-marriage debate stop warring over this particular issue (out-of-state assistance). Then I explained why I think said issue is a moot point.  

    Thanks for your comments!

    August 17, 2009 12:14 PM
  • Fake Name said:

    Fair enough, but there is no indication that the two sides are going to take your advice. "Wonkish movers and shakers" are sometimes known as lobbyists. You are the journalist, not the referee.

    August 18, 2009 1:01 PM

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