
Meet the Mayor: Good Life

Welcome to "Meet the Mayor," a segment in which we interview local Foursquare Mayors in their natural habitats.

Good Life
Alex Goulet

Tell us about the shirt you're wearing.
This is a vintage, probably ‘92, shirt I found at Goodwill. I always try to keep it stylish when I come to Good Life.

Is there anything funny about being a DJ?

There's all sorts of embarrassing shit people do when they're dancing that they don't know about, so being able to see that at all times [is funny]. The clearest example is any white male dancing.  

What's the deal with this neighborhood?

The Downtown Crossing area's one of the most complex neighborhoods in Boston. I've never understood it. I worked right around the block for quite some time. During the day, it's corporate office people milling around, doing their thing. But I've been coming here since I was little, and you always see something interesting.

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