
Meet the Mayor: Bicycle Bill

Welcome to "Meet the Mayor," a segment in which we interview local Foursquare Mayors in their natural habitats.

Bicycle Bill
Omar Wright

You drove up in a car, yet your bike all the time. Explain the advantages both methods of transport have over the T.
If you're in a car, you don't have to sit next to smelly people or creepy weirdoes who will do weird things on the bus.  If you're in a car, you're just isolated and by yourself and you can do whatever you want in your car world. On your bike, you can get places way faster than on the T.

What advice do you have for creepy people on the bus?
Don't do creepy weird stuff on the bus. If you have to think about whether you should do it before you do it, there's a good chance that you should probably just not do it.

Do you have any advice for the crop of incoming college kids?
Don't ride longboards in the city. I'm not a fan of them. I just hate looking up and seeing a dude in a fitted hat with glasses, this big American Apparel hoodie or a huge sweater, and I donno, socks and sandals riding a longboard down the sidewalk. It's not a good look. Don't do that, please.

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