
Meet the Mayor: Crack House

Welcome to "Meet the Mayor," a segment in which we interview local Foursquare Mayors in their natural habitats.

Crack House
Sarah Ahearn

So you've labeled your apartment building the "Crack House"?
Yeah. It's just kind of sketchy-looking from the outside, and the floors in the elevator are cracked.

But there is no crack for sale here?
I doubt it.

Aren't you afraid people looking for crack could accuse you of false advertising?
That idea never crossed my mind until just now, but if people are looking for it, I don't know where to send them.

What's your favorite addiction?
Coffee, without a doubt. It used to be Mountain Dew, but I kicked my soda habit. It was so bad. I was drinking four liter-sized bottles a day.

Remember those commercials where dudes would drink Mountain Dew and become extreme?
They'd drive a truck off a cliff. Then, all of a sudden, you'd see them hang gliding up in the sky. They were like, "Oh look, I'm on top of the Empire State Building. Now I'm back down here, and I'm fine."

Did you ever do anything like that?
I can't ride a bike to save my life.

So we can accuse Mountain Dew of false advertising?
I could never bash Mountain Dew.

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