Occupy Boston's Anarchist Alliance calls for neighborhood-based general assemblies; Occupy Allston-Brighton meeting Thursday

Image via Occupy Allston-Brighton on Facebook.
Occupy Boston held its first post-Dewey General Assembly on Saturday evening at the Boston Common bandstand. At Saturday's GA, a member of the Anarchist Alliance of Occupy Boston made a statement calling for neighborhood-based general assemblies throughout the winter.
are proposing the creation of neighborhood-based Occupy General
Assemblies, and participation in those that already exist, such as
Occupy JP, Somerville, the Hood, El Barrio," he said. "These assemblies will seek to connect and support
existing community groups and will draw in local supporters long time
and new, thereby spreading the ideas and activities of the Occupy movement."
The most recent local neighborhood-based Occupy initiative is Occupy Allston-Brighton, which surfaced earlier this week and holds its first General Assembly on Thursday evening. The group is still seeking an indoor space for the GA.
"We will strive to federate these groups and hold summits over the coming
months," continued the Anarchist Alliance member. "This initiative will build power over the winter with the
intention of allowing us to regroup as a stronger and more united force
in the spring against the 1 %. We believe this should be the focus of
the Occupy movements over the winter."
"If you would like to be part of
this initiative, take leadership in your own community, start it," he said. "Work
with existing neighborhood assemblies. We are all leaders. We have no
rulers. All power to the people."
For updates on neighborhood-based Occupy initiatives around Boston, follow @BostonPhoenix, @Occupy_Boston, @OccupyAllstonBr, and @OccupyCambridge on Twitter. Follow Occupy the Hood, Ocupemos El Barrio, Occupy JP, and Occupy Somerville on Facebook.