Free Fun Shit: Oct 13-20: Lessons in kink, Harvard Lampoon's "Afternoon of Champions", Return of Deadhead, sexy lit, Allston art tour, Pearl Jam doc advanced screening+ more

Rob Potylo & the Lonely Planets are at ZuZu on Sunday
Pearl Jam 20th
Anniversary Documentary screening | advanced screening of the new
Cameron Crowe doc at the Spot on Thursday, October 13 @ 6:45 pm |
Allston Rock City Art Tour | Local artists work on display in stores and other establishments around Allston, endes with a wrap party at Wonder Bar on Saturday, October 15 @ 10 am; party starts @ 8 pm |
Kink Academy Open
House | Live presentations on kink taught by educators from at the Democracy
Center on Saturday, October 15 @ 6 pm |
"Harvard Lampoon's Afternoon of Champions" | Harvard Lampoon presents the Bruins with the "Best Sports Team Ever" Award in an all-day block party with music, food, speeches, and more in Harvard Sqaure on Sunday, October 16 @ noon pm |
Of The Living Deadhead" with Second
Day Venom + Rob Potylo & The Lonely Planets at ZuZu on Sunday, October 16 @ 10 pm |
"Knitting Nation, Phase 7: Darkness
Descends" | Knitters create
a site-specific installation, live, as part of Dance/Draw
(free with museum admission) at the ICA on Sunday, October 16 @ 11 am |
Nicholas Sparks | The Best of Me signing and
reading at the Harvard Coop on Sunday,
October 16 @ 7 pm |
"Literary Firsts" | Reading
series about first sexual experiences, with Janaka Stucky, Catherine Parnell,
Danielle Dreilinger, and Elizabeth Gormley at Middlesex on Monday, October 17 @ 7 pm |
"BSO 101: Are You
Listening?" Lecture Series | "Intro to the Symphony" with Director
of Program Publications Marc Mandel at Symphony Hall on Wednesday, October 19 @ 5:30 pm |
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