Full video recap: Cornel West addresses #OccupyBoston & National Nurses United protesters
As a sea of National Nurses United protesters flooded the camps in Dewey Square today, all clad in royal blue scrubs and holding "HEAL AMERICA, TAX WALL STREET" signs, activist Cornel West showed up as well.
West addressed the crowd with 5-minute speech prior to the National Nurses United march to support Occupy Boston. The Phoenix caught a video of his entire address. (Watch it above.)

All photos & video by Liz Pelly
"Don't let anyone tell you that this occupation is anti-America," said West. "Our dear brother Howard Zinn said dissent is the highest form of patriotism ... That has what has made America free and democratic and to the degree to which we all come together and keep it free and democratic we keep alive the legacies of Martin Luther King Jr and Brother Abraham Joshua Heschel and our Catholic sister Dorothy Day ..."

"Don't let anybody tell you that this occupation in Boston is not about love," West continued. "It's about love, love, love, love. We love working people. We love poor people ... and yes we even love the individuals who might be greedy on Wall Street we just want their institutional practice to be called into question so that democracy becomes real. This isn't about hating anybody. This is about hating injustice. Always remember justice and the struggle for justice is what love looks like in public. This is what love looks like in public, in Occupy Boston. Keep the movement alive."