
Spitzer: it's not the sex, it's the credit

For those who've waded through the Client-9 transcript -- or, almost as long-winded, the Times coverage -- the most damning detail in Le Affair Spitzer isn't (merely) that the Governor of New York allegedly bought a high-class hooker and allegedly tried to cover up the money trail (unsucessfully, and pitifully so for a guy who is the fucking former attorney general of New York State! A guy who busted Wall Street crooks for a living! Can't cover up his own prostie bills!). No, no, no. Nor was it that a madame was caught on a Fed wire telling her hooker, after the fact, that the Guv'ner had a reputation among the other hookers for being "difficult." (Just recently, Spitzer seemed to have just barely survived being labeled "difficult" by the New York political and media establishment, but everyone knows that a couple of good hookers can lick the State Legislature, hands down.) That's pretty low, and it gets even lower when the transcript appears to suggest that Client 9 -- whom the Times id's as Spitzer -- has developed his difficult reputation among hookers by, as the madame puts it, "ask[ing] you to do things that, like, you might not think were safe." We're still trying to figure out exactly what this means, but we're pretty sure they're saying that the Governor doesn't want to wear a raincoat. (Replied the prostitute in question: "I have a way of dealing with that . . . I'd be like listen dude, you really want the sex?")

Ah, but the lowest moment in the whole fiasco is something the Times seems to have skipped -- which is that for several terse hours leading up to this particular appointment, Client 9/Spitzer was denied credit by a prostitute. The Sheriff of Wall Street was not good for the money. You will perhaps recall that this particular prostie ring was a service that catered to rich dudes. Nonetheless, not only was Spitzer required to pony up cash on delivery, like a common john; additionally, the madame is quoted to the effect that she was breaking with strict, established business practices by recommending that Spitzer pay for a future appointment in advance. From the Feds:

"SUWAL said that she did not feel comfortable saying that Client-9 had a $400 credit when she did not know that for a fact. SUWAL and BRENER talked in the background about whether Client-9 could proceed with the appointment without his deposit having arrived . . . At approximately 8:23 p.m., LEWIS called Client-9, and told him that the 'office" said he could not proceed with the appointment with his available credit. After discussing ways to resolve the situation, LEWIS and Client-9 I agreed to speak the following day."

Say what you want about Deval Patrick: we bet our Guvernor would never have to pay up front for a hooker. For the full Spitzer, see us after the jump.

73. On February 11, 2008, at approximately 10:53 p.m.,
TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant, using the
6587 Number, sent a text message to CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie,"
a/k/a "Kate," the defendant, at the 3390 Number. In the text
message, LEWIS wrote: 'Pls let me know if [Client-9's] 'package'
(believed to be a reference to a deposit of money sent by mail)
arrives 2mrw. Appt wd b on Wed." (Call 3728C). SUWAL sent a
text message back to LEWIS, stating: 'K." (Call 3731C).
74. On February 12, 2008, at approximately 2:37 p.m.,
TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a 'Rachelle," the defendant, using the
6587 Number, called a prostitute who the Emperors Club marketed
using the name "Kristen." During the call, LEWIS left a message
for "Kristen" that the "deposit" had not arrived today, but that
they should be able to do the trip if the deposit arrived
tomorrow. (Call 9324R) . At approximately 4 : 03 p.m. , LEWIS
received a call from "Kristen." During the call, "Kristen" said
that she had heard the message, and that was fine. LEWIS and
"Kristen" then discussed the time that "Kristen" would take the
train from New York to Washington, D.C. LEWIS told "Kristen"
that there was a 5:39 p.m. train that arrived at 9:00 p.m., and
that "Kristen" would be taking the train out of Penn Station.
LEWIS confirmed that Client-9 would be paying for everything -
train tickets, cab fare from the hotel and back, mini bar or room
service, travel time, and hotel. LEWIS said that they would \
probably not know until 3 p.m. if the deposit arrived because
Client-9 would not do traditional wire transferring. (Call
9362) .
75. At approximately 8:12 p.m., TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS,
a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant, using the 6587 Number, received
a call from Client-9. During the call, LEWIS told Client-9 that
the "package" did not arrive today. LEWIS asked Client-9 if
there was a return address on the envelope, and Client-9 said no.
LEWIS asked: "You had QAT . . .," and Client-9 said: "Yup, same
as in the past, no question about it." LEWIS asked Client-9 what
time he was interested in having the appointment tomorrow.
Client-9 told her 9:00 p.m. or 10:OO p.m. LEWIS told Client-9 to
call her back in five minutes. (Call 9460R) .
76. At approximately 8:14 p.m., TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS,
a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant, using the 6587 Number, called
MARK BRENER, a/k/a "Michael," the defendant, at the 0937 Number.
During the call, LEWIS told BRENER that Client-9 had just called
about an appointment for tomorrow, and that he had around $400 or
$500 credit. SUWAL said that she did not feel comfortable saying
that Client-9 had a $400 credit when she did not know that for a
fact. SUWAL and BRENER talked in the background about whether
Client-9 could proceed with the appointment without his deposit
having arrived. (Call 9462R). At approximately 8:23 p.m., LEWIS
called Client-9, and told him that the 'office" said he could not
proceed with the appointment with his available credit. After
discussing ways to resolve the situation, LEWIS and Client-9 I
agreed to speak the following day. (Call 9467R) .
77. On February 12, 2008, at approximately 9:22 p.m.,
TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant, using the
6587 Number, sent a text message to ''Kristen." In the text
message, LEWIS wrote: 'If D.C. appt. happens u will need 2 leave
NYC @ 4:45pm. Is that possible?" (Call 9515R). "Kristen" wrote
back: "Yes." (Call 9516R) .
78. At approximately 3 : 2 0 p.m., TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS,
a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant, using the 6587 Number, received
a call from Client-9. During the call, LEWIS told Client-9 that
they were still trying to determine if his deposit had arrived.
Client-9 told LEWIS that he had made a re'servation at the hotel,
and had paid for it in his name. Client-9 said that there would
be a key waiting for her, and told LEWIS that what he had on
account with her covered the "transportation" (believed to be a
reference to the cost of the trainfare for "Kristen" from New
York to Washington, D.C.). LEWIS said that she would try to make
it work. (Call 9636R). At approximately 3:24 p.m., LEWIS, using
the 6587 Number, called CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie," a/k/a "Kate,"
the defendant, at the 3390 Number. LEWIS explained to SUWAL what
Client-9 had proposed. SUWAL told LEWIS she would call her back.
(Call 9642R) . At approximately 3 : 53 p.m., MARK BRENER, a/k/a
"Michael," the defendant, using the 0937 Number, called LEWIS at
the 6587 Number. BRENER and LEWIS discussed the problem about
Client-9's deposit. (Call 9654R). At approximately 4:18 p.m.,
SUWAL, using the 3390 Number, sent a text message to LEWIS at the
6587 Number, stating: "[Plackage arrived. Pls be sure he rsvp
hotel." (Call 9659R) .
79. At approximately 4:21 p.m., TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS,
a/k/a "Rachelle, " the defendant, using the 6587 Number, called
"Kri~ten.~ During the call, LEWIS told "Kristen" that the
package had arrived, and that "theyu (believed to be a reference
to MARK BRENER, a/k/a "Michael," and CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie,"
a/k/a "Kate," the defendants) just got the mail. LEWIS told
"Kristen" to get to Penn Station and call her when she picked up
her tickets. (Call 9661R) . At approximately 4 :48 p.m., LEWIS
sent a text message to "Kristen," stating: "TRAIN INFO Departing
from Penn St. Arriving 8 Union St. Washington, DC NYC to DC Train
# 129 Dep. 5:39pm Arr. 9pm." (Call 9G79R). At approximately
4:54 p.m., LEWIS sent another text message to "KristenItt stating:
"TRAIN INFO Return trip DC to NYC Train #84 Dep. 2/14 8:35pm Arr.
ll:57am." (Call 9683R).
80. At approximately 4:58 p.m., TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS,
a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant, using the 6587 Number, received
an incoming call from Client-9. During the call, LEWIS told
Client-9 that his package arrived today, and Client-9 said good.
LEWIS asked Client-9 what time he was expecting to have the
appointment. Client-9 told LEWIS maybe 10:OO p.m. or so, and
asked who it was. LEWIS said it was "Kristen," and Client-9 said
"great, okay, wonderful ." LEWIS told Client-9 that she would
give him a final price later, and asked Client-9 whether he could
give "Kristen" "extra funds" at this appointment in order to
avoid payment issues in the future. Client-9 said maybe, and
that he would see if he could do that. LEWIS explained that the
agency did not want a model accepting funds for a future
appointment, but that she was going to make an exception that way
a deposit could be made so that he would have a credit, and they
would not have to "go through this" next time. Client-9 said
perfect, and that he would call her regarding the room number.
(Call 9686R) .
81. At approximately 7:51 p.m., TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS,
a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant, using the 6587 Number, received
a call from Client-9. During the call, LEWIS told Client-9 that
the balance was around ,"2611 (believed to be a reference to
$2,600), but she would give him an exact number later. LEWIS
asked if when "Kristen" went to pick up the key she would have to
give a name or would she be able to say that she was one of
Client-9's guests for whom he left an envelope. ~EW1~'and
Client-9 discussed how to arrange for "Kristen" to get the key to
her hotel room. LEWIS said that she would prefer if "Kristen"
did not have to give a name. Client-9 said that he was trying to
'think this through." Client-9 repeated that his balance was
'2600," and stated that maybe he would give "her," a reference to
"Kristen," '3600" and have a thousand on balance. LEWIS
suggested making it "1500fl more. Client-9 said that would make
it "4100," and said that he would look for a bank and see about
it. Client-9 told LEWIS to let him go down and take care of
this, and suggested that maybe he could put it [the hotel key] in
an envelope with the concierge. (Call 9725R).
82. At approximately 8:47 p.m., TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS,
a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant, using the 6587 Number, received
a call from Client-9. During the call, Client-9 told LEWIS to
tell "Kristen" to go to the hotel and go to room 871. Client-9
told LEWIS that the door would be open. Client-9 told LEWIS that
there would be a key in the room, but the door would be ajar.
LEWIS asked if the hotel staff might pass by the door and close
it, and Client-9 said no it was okay. Client-9 explained that
the door would not be visibly open, but if someone pushed it, the 4
door would open. LEWIS told Client-9 that his balance was
$2,721.41, and that if he wanted to do an additional "150OU or
even "2000" it would be better. Client-9 said that he did not
know if he could get to a machine to do that, but he would see.
LEWIS said that 'Kristen" would go directly to room ,871. Client-
9 asked LEWIS to remind- him what 'Kristen" looked like, and LEWIS
said that she was an American, petite, very pretty brunette, 5
feet 5 inches, and 105 pounds. Client-9 said that she should go
straight to 871, and if for any reason it did not work out, she
should call LEWIS. (Call 9731) .
83. At approximately 9 : 3 2 p.m., TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS,
a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant, using the 6587 Number, received
a call from "Kristen." During the call, '"Kristen" said that she
was in the room. LEWIS told "Kristen" that she would call her
back when she knew when Client-9 would be there. (Call 9734R).
84. At approximately 9:36 p.m., TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS,
a/k/a 'Rachelle," the defendant, using the 6587 Number, received
a call from "Kristen." During the call, LEWIS told "Kristen"
that "he," a reference to Client-9, was at the hotel. "Kristen"
told LEWIS that she just talked to him. 'Kristen" said that
Client-9 was coming'to her. LEWIS told "Kristen" that Client-9
should be giving her "extra," and that the extra should be
deposited into- LEWIS told "Kristen" to text her when he
arrived and LEWIS would start the four hours then, and also to
let her know if he left early. (Call 9741R).
85. On February 14, 2008, at approximately 12:02 a.m.,
TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant, received
a call from "Kristen." During the call, "Kristen" told LEWIS ,
that "he," a reference to Client-9, had left. LEWIS asked
"Kristen" what time he got there, and "Kristen" said "15 after .
. . maybe 10." LEWIS asked "Kristen" how she thought the
appointment went, and "Kristen" said that she thought it went
very well. LEWIS asked "Kristen" how much she collected, and
'Kristen" said $4,300. "Kristen" said that she liked him, and
that she did not think he was difficult. "Kristen" stated: 'I
don't think he's difficult. I mean it's just kind of like . . .
whatever. . . I'm here for a purpose. I know what my purpose is.
I am not a . . . moron, you know what I mean. So maybe that's
why girls maybe think they're difficult . . . . " "Kristen"
continued: "That's what it is, because you're here for a
[purpose]. Let's not get it twisted - I know what I do, you
know." LEWIS responded: "You look at it very uniquely, because .
. . no one .ever says it that way." LEWIS continued that from
what she had been told "he" (believed to be a reference to
Client-9) "would ask you to do things that, like, you might not
think were safe - you know - I mean that . . . very basic things.
. . . "Kristen" responded: "I have a way of dealing with that .
. . I'd be like listen dude, you really want the sex? . . . You
know what I mean." Near the end of the call, LEWIS and "Kristen"
discussed "Kristen's" departure via Amtrak, the room that Client
9 had provided for "Kristen," and "Kristen's" share of the cash
that Client-9 had provided to her. (Call 9750R).

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