
GIRLS BEHAVING BADLY: Tonight at Great Scott

Three young writers are forgoing good manners and decent content tonight for “BAD BEHAVIOR 2007.” JAMI ATTENBERG (Instant Love), JANICE ERLBAUM (Girlbomb, A Halfway Homeless Memoir), and WENDY MCCLURE (I’m Not the New Me) have highlighted the smuttiest phrases, dirtiest character developments, and filthiest of plot climaxes in their respective tomes. And God help them if their moms show up, because they’ll be reading their chosen passages aloud to you as part of a Brookline Booksmith–sanctioned evening of scandal. Literary-minded HALLELUJAH THE HILLS, who recently penned a real version of “Monster Eyes” (a song Jonathan Lethem fictionalized in his new rock-and-roll novel You Don’t Love Me Yet), will judge the girls in their lewd-excerpt battle and perform afterward. We don’t know what the prize is, but feel free to get your mind in the gutter at Great Scott, 1222 Comm Ave, Boston | 617.734.4502.

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