
Snakes On A Muthafuckin' Book


Sick of the endless Snakes on a Plane hype? Us neither! Which is why you really ought to spend your morning learning everything possible about Snakes on a Book.

"They say you cannot judge a book by its cover, but what if your summer read is bound in snakeskin?

Most people would not relish opening a book wrapped in cobra or python skin, especially with the summer’s big movie Snakes On A Plane expected to remind us that snakes are one of the animal kingdom’s least popular critters."

Oh, but there's more. Who wouldn't want a copy of William S. Burrough's The Wild Boys bound in Niger goat and snakeskin and signed by the author himself? It only costs $17,500! Chump change, friends. Or perhaps we might interest you in A Romance of Destiny by the estimable Oliver Wendell Holmes. That sounds like classic freshman core cirriculum reading -- and you can be the envy of all the pretentious English majors in class when you rifle through your delightful edition, wrapped in the skin of a fucking PYTHON by a "master bookbinder" called Hazel Dreis. $2,100: so worth it!!!


As if you don't know how to find SOAP on the Interwebber?! Lolz, guys.

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