
Weekly Playlist #7: Muy Cansado + Naked On Roller Skates record release, with Sarah RabDAU + Oldjack

If one record-release party is enough to get our attention, a double record-release party is enough to get its own Playlist. This Friday, November 9, at the Middle East in Cambridge the smooth dance-able rock of trio MUY CANSADO and the bouncy alt-rock of NAKED ON ROLLER SKATES team up to drop buckets of new jams on Cambridge. Muy Cansado may be Spanish for “very tired,” but their new album Let It Go is anything but, with "Not For Nothing" the WFNX Boston Accents Song of the Day for 11.08.12. Meanwhile the Skates’ new EP, Songs from a Wooden Box, recalls the guitar-mad glory days of Central Square’s ’90s heyday and once again highlights the vocal talents of Leesa Coyne. Rounding out the mix are two seasoned tracks repping the rest of the night’s bill, an atmospheric number from SARAH RABDAU & SELF-EMPLOYED ASSASSINS and a close-out contribution from Dan Nicklin's merry band of soul misfits, OLDJACK.

:: Download the entire mix via Soundcloud ::

> Muy Cansado “Not For Nothing”

> Naked on Roller Skates “Payphone”

> Sarah RabDAU & the Self-Employed Assassins “Crushing”

> Oldjack “Radio”

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