
RIP Billy Ruane -- Lady Lamb the Beekeeper, at T.T. The Bear's Place, a year ago today

BILLY RUANE passed away one year ago today. Thinking back to this week in 2010 brings back many emotions -- hearing the news via phone call from my editor while in the South End, thinking about my own (somewhat limited) interactions with him, and frantically compiling the seemingly never-ending tributes, reflections and recollections from patrons of the Boston rock scene, near and far, those a part of it for three seconds, 30 years, or some time in between. All had a Billy story or something to share. We even created a special supplement of the Phoenix for him, to get organize and present all the sentiments and do the guy some sort of justice for what he meant to the city. 

But what I will never, ever... ever... forget about October 26, 2010, is an emotionally-tender LADY LAMB THE BEEKEEPER singing "Beluga" at T. T. The Bear's Place in Cambridge later that night. The video alone gives me chills. I wrote about the experience, what Central Square was like that night, how Aly Spaltro was booked to play TTs on this date for weeks in advance, and yet the show arrived mere hours after one of her biggest supports unexpectedly passed away. She wasn't sure if she was going to perform. But she did. And did she. Everyone sat on the floor, in repectful silence. 

As you pour one out, watch these Lady Lamb clips (especially up top, the last 90 seconds of so of "Beluga," Billy's preferred song, and let that voice sink in. You can just feel Billy Ruane in that room with her that very strange, cold, awkward, confusing, emotional night.

Lady Lamb returns to TT's on November 10, for ...the Billy Ruane memorial and birthday party. 

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