[double album?] New Passion Pit: 'beautiful, exciting, and fun,' but not out until 2012

Looks like we'll have to wait until 2012 for the new PASSION PIT record. Last night Michael Angelakos took to Facebook, engaging with fans in a status update thread that started with him "looking forward to some sort of mass abandonment" of the social networking site. More than 50 posts later, Angelakos gave some rare insight to his band's new record, Passion Pit's first since May 2009's Manners.
Last year before their show at Royale, Angelakos told me that the second half of 2011 was a loose target date for the release of new material, but maintained that if the new album felt like a spring album it'd be released in the spring, if it felt like a fall album it'd be released in the fall, and so on.
After last night's updates, we at least know it sounds like a 2012 album, but hopefully without a doomsday theme. Here's what a usually guarded and private Angelakos let out of the recording studio bag:
Michael Angelakos
I won't get into any detail, but I promise you that it is going to be beautiful, exciting, and fun record. i am going to craft it to be much more interesting and less monotonous ride with an emphasis on the arch of the album itself, the collection of song. no deviations, just steps towards a sound that I think was buried out of insecurity. without question, if you liked the last record, 3 years later, you will love the new one. and who knows, the amount of songs i have, this could be a double-album.
10 hours ago · Like · 2 people
Michael Angelakos
i just got into detail :)
10 hours ago · Like · 2 people
Michael Angelakos
i am also producing it and, as usual, writing it.
10 hours ago · Like · 2 people