
Crispin Glover tries out for Tootsie

That's alotta gold.
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away — okay, it was at Axis sometime in the ’90s — we stumbled on a band who were far, far ahead of their time. They played ridiculous hardcore punk songs with guitars and ’80s synthesizers and had elaborate costumes and monitors blasting weird collages of Atari video games and war footage and occasionally covered Run-DMC. They might have invented electropunk-as-nostalgia-fetish-gone-to-art-school. They called themselves Institute of Technology, and they disappeared long before the rise of Le Tigre, Adult, and Tracy + the Plastics. But lo, their frontman Josh Randall — still calling himself Robotkid — has re-emerged! Tonight is his final night of "Strange Findings: Lost and Found Video Show," a video-collage of bizarro-world clips (rock-and-roll puppets, a cultists’ sing-along instructional video on "Interplanetary Confederation Day"), as compiled by VJ Robotkid, to a soundtrack of live-mixed mash-ups with Dj RNDM and Peter Ledebur. Check it at midnight at the Coolidge Corner Theatre, but grab some Red Bull first. *
WATCH: "Strange Findings" trailer is here.
LISTEN: Institute of Technology, "Mary Tyler Moore"
LISTEN: You Shriek, "Grim (Robotkid remix)" (via Randall's site
*Cami did not write this blurb, she just posted it. She did however write this article about Josh Randall's video-game company.