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Things to ban through November

Halperin's take:


Things we would prefer to see banned through Election Day:

– Media coverage driven by horse-race polling data.

–John McCain’s use of his signature phrase, my friends.

–Barack Obama’s referring to himself as a symbol.

–Members of Congress trying to out-outrage the other party.

–Superfluous use of the phrase the race card.

–The Hilton family injected into the campaign.

–McCain’s repetition of any joke he first told in the ’80s.

–Obama complaints about negative press attention.

–Both campaigns’ going on the attack reflexively when the opposing candidate misspeaks on the trail.

–Coverage of Internet campaign videos as if they were paid television ads.

–The focus on the trivial and superficial while the nation remains at war and teeters on the edge of an economic recession.

  • joe bernstein said:

    You can't be serious-you mean they would have to detract from the above retarded activities to address specifics and what to do about them?Are you smoking something?

    August 7, 2008 4:03 PM

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