
How to write about the rich

I'm through bitching about the Globe bombarding us with front-page stories on the bizarre behavior of the affluent. Mark my words!

That said, I'd like to make a respectful suggestion. I get that the Globe has plenty of rich suburban readers who'll treat this stuff as news they can use. But another segment of readers will read these articles and draw two conclusions: A) rich people suck and B) the Globe sucks for celebrating their asinine profligacy.

How to solve the problem? When a Globe reporter does a lifestyle-porn piece, they should find a way to let non-rich, non-suburban readers know that they're writing for us, too. Doesn't need to be anything major; a single wry aside or skeptical quote would do the trick. Absent that, a story like today's piece on private mausoleums just reads like an embarrassingly unselfconscious advertorial. Which I'm sure it isn't.

Is that too much to ask?

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