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Harry & The Potters and Uncle Monsterface - Tour Days 11 & 12

DOWNLOAD: Harry & The Potters and Uncle Monsterface, "(Everybody Loves) Pillows" (mp3)
DOWNLOAD: Harry & the Potters and Uncle Monsterface, "Andy Manowarhol" (mp3)

Days 11 and 12:Repressing the urge to fight with the good lightsabers; the non-non-smoking section of the Barking Spider; a party at Marti’s.

Paul: I’m in Matt’s basement. These lightsabers are pretty cool. There’s a Jedi and a Sith one. They’re the real expensive kind. They make the wooshing sound when you wave them around. It is hard to resist the urge to crash them together. Jesse is still talking about those lightsabers. He is in love.

Joe: We’re in Cleveland! Tonight we play at the Barking Spider. It’s on the Case Western campus in a tucked away building that looks like it used to be a barn or a carriage house or something. When we roll in, the grizzly bearded men who run the joint greet us and let us push some tables around so that there’s some space for people to dance up front. Maybe 10 people can fit where this table used to be. Cool.

Jesse: I'm surprised and dismayed when a large family shows up, staking out a table by the puppet theater. “Oh good, they got ashtrays on the table!” mom says, overjoyed as she and I think a couple of the kids light up. The puppets stink for days after.

Paul: Uncle Monsterface is playing now. I ask Martin, the grizzled bartender, if he’s ever had puppet shows in his bar before. He tells me they’ve had a few.  

Marty Allen: Ayup, Cleveland rocks. What a crowd, what a show. As the tour rolls on, there are less and less crazy incidents to report, yet it just feels better and better. I hit a turning point today with my voice and throat.  I've been really worried about totally destroying myself, but trying all along to take better care of my yellbox has apparently worked, and I suddenly feel like I could scream through our set three times while jumping through fiery hoops and fighting bears.

Paul: We like to rock, so we crank up the meager PA system.  It’s peaking out all over the place, but no one cares because this is what rock is all about!  It’s not about having fancy equipment or big speakers. It’s about getting together and having a good time and singing along with your friends and with people you’ve never met. This is what we have in common. We don’t care about our differences. Tonight, we’ll sing our hearts out together. 

Marty Allen: This was the best Potter audience I've yet seen. Sometimes these boys  really do make magic. They had the whole place on its feet, kids singing their songs at the top of their lungs and dancing their wizard-loving hearts out. Just beautiful stuff, really. The audience begged for an encore and they delivered. So great to be a part of this.

Jesse: We don't have anywhere to stay in town, but by the end of the night Paul's convinced two Potters fans, Marti and her friend Michelle, to put us up for the night.

Marty: And amazingly, again, my anxiety at meeting someone who has the same name as me crept up. Come on, what are the odds! I never meet other Martys! Or Martis! But this time it was a girl, and she has an 'i' instead of a 'y', and she, too, keeps it real. At Marti's we all flopped in the living room and had a sleepover party complete with tons of old school video games and giggling and farting. Not much for the flashy modern video games, it turns out Paul is some sort of a Pac-Man savant, and we watched his pellet-munching fury in awe.

Joe:  Everybody is really excited about this Parappar the Rappah. I’m asleep on the couch. Well not now. Now I’m awake and there’s some funny looking dude on the TV rapping about urinals. Someone is asking me if I need to go to bed. “Don’t worry,” I console them. “I’m already asleep.”

Dogpants McGeeFrom the sockpuppet journal of Dogpants McGee: I haven't checked in like six days, and I need to get on my MySpace account like right now! What if somebody wrote to me? *arf*

I'm seriously freaking out! They might need to hear back! What if it's a girl, or else maybe I got invited to something important. Plus, I need to check Rexa's relationship status and fill out the Favorite Places to Pee survey.*arf arf*

I know I have new comments and new friend requests, I can feel them! I can
feel hear them calling me! *woof*

Oh goddamn you straight to furthest reaches of the deepest of hells, Tom, I finally have a chance to check and now my bloody page won't load. What the eff is this!? I AM SO FILLED WITH RAGE! *bow-wow-wow* Scratchsniff. Arf.

New comments! I knew it! Ahhhhh. *pantpantpant*

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