Because you can only spend so much time reading Dan Brown novels on the beach
By DAVID EISENBERG | July 20, 2011
Remember being told not to sit too close to the television? Now you're old and smart enough to read a newspaper, which means you don't have to take any more crap from your library-card-carrying parents. Midsummer television has a terrific offering of new and returning shows about aliens, firefighters, crystal meth, and more to turn that beautiful brain of yours to Play-Doh and keep you thoroughly entertained. So plop your tush on the cush, and get ready to meet some new characters.
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Interview: Andy Richter, Interview: Damon Wayans, New play based on L-A's Somali experience, More
- Interview: Andy Richter
We have a chub for Andy Barker, P.I. (just released out on DVD), because we have a major chub for the show’s star, Andy Richter. Richter plays an accountant who is mistaken for a detective-for-hire and decides to just roll with it.
- Interview: Damon Wayans
"Right now, my intent is not to offend. I just want to laugh. I want to suspend reality."
- New play based on L-A's Somali experience
Maine's twin cities of Lewiston and Auburn gained national attention in the first few years of this century for its reception of Somali immigrants.
- Gina Gionfriddo on the art of playwriting
Although playwright Gina Gionfriddo was raised in Washington, D.C., Rhode Island has also made its contributions, since she polished her writing skills at Brown University, where in the late 1990s she sought out eventual Pulitzer winner Paula Vogel and her MFA playwriting program, attracted by the kind of dark comedy Vogel was coming up with.
- Review: Henry's Crime
If you had to compare it to a Russian classic, Malcolm Venville's mild comedy about a nobody (Keanu Reeves) who gets busted for a crime he didn't commit might suggest half-baked Dostoevsky or lightweight Gogol.
- Review: Under the spell of Putnam County at TBTS
Pretty cute. A hippie-dippie boy wearing a cape sewn from neckties. A girl whose dictionary is her best and perhaps only friend.
- Funny you should say that
I'm pretty confident in saying that humor is probably one of the key things that separates us humans from the rest of the animal kingdom.
- Review: Duke Nukem Forever
The wait is over: Duke Nukem Forever is finally here!
- Monkey Fancy
Take a peek at an upcoming cover for Monkey Fancy .
- How To Be a Lesbian In 10 Days or Less
We are a complicated species — not as complicated as clown fish or moray eels, which can change genders when their own becomes boring, but complicated enough.
- Review: All's Faire In Love
It seems that before actually performing in a Renaissance Faire, actors first have to appear in a movie about one.
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, Ringer, Television, Adult Swim, More
, Ringer, Television, Adult Swim, humor, tv, comedy, Rescue Me, Cartoon Network, BBC, drama, Less