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Across 1 Croatia's capital
7 Special effects used in "Avatar," e.g.
10 Deck quartet
14 "The Little Mermaid" villain
15 That ship
16 Battery unit
17 Goes for some quick lunch
19 Gold medal runner Zatopek
20 Go back and forth
21 Hosp. scanner
22 Prefix meaning "notion"
25 Less likely to catch on
27 Bite with tiny teeth
30 ___ Carta
32 Greek cheeses
33 "Am ___!"
34 2010 "SNL" host Poehler
35 Bourbon measures
37 Summer hrs., in South Carolina
38 Treasure hunt need
39 Clock setting for most of TX
40 Cobb and Pennington
42 Slowing, in music: abbr.
43 Guinness Book suffix
44 Phrase often followed with "it's nothing"
46 Compass pt.
47 Vail runner
48 Lerner's musical partner
49 Head-scratching question
51 Org. that gives out 9-digit IDs
52 Not mourned (for)
54 ___-bitsy
55 Pester
57 Kind of view
59 Oval segments
61 He hosts "Good Eats"
65 Tackle box item
66 Bullfighting cheer
67 "Lost" actor M.C.
68 Does something
69 Hallucinatory stuff
70 Most worldly-wise | Down
1 ___ Island (industrial area of Detroit)
2 Abbr. at the top of sheet music
3 Former name of a cookie-selling org.
4 Applies, like ointment
5 "Who ___ wants a piece of me?"
6 Made some sheepish noises
7 Kitschy growable gift
8 "Stay away from amateurs!"?
9 Pique condition?
10 State with firmness
11 Fascination with a certain URL ending?
12 Yale alumnus
13 Cardinals insignia
18 Removal of totally false graffiti?
21 ___ Butterworth's syrup
22 "Let me clean up first..."
23 Patterned fabrics
24 Basic Cairo bed?
26 "Rocks for Jocks" type of class
28 Disinfecting solutions
29 Craft where things get fired up
31 16 NFL teams
36 "But ___ realized..."
41 NASCAR-sponsoring additive
45 Posted in the center of the action, perhaps
48 Schlep
50 Gulf of Mexico structure
53 Metallic sounds
56 Pops the question
58 Quatrain rhyme scheme
59 "So that's your game!"
60 ___-A-Fella Records
61 Co. founded by Steve Case
62 Inseparable
63 "Fantastic Mr. Fox" director Anderson
64 Major paper, for short |
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