Young activists sometimes do stupid things. Rarely are their actions more destructive than those of their peers in finance and big business, but the punishments can nonetheless be extreme. David McKay and Brad Crowder learned this the hard way, as the two were sentenced to federal time for allegedly concocting a left-wing terrorist plot against the Republican National Convention in Minneapolis three years ago. With phenomenal footage and powerful interviews, directors Kelly Duane de la Vega and Katie Galloway pack in every last side of this complicated story, giving time to everyone from the defendants to the prosecutors who framed and railroaded them. Better This World is beyond frightening, mostly because Galloway and de la Vega let the facts support their underlying message: our government opposes social justice, and it will suppress dissent with firehoses, tear gas, and, if necessary, incarceration.
READ: "The IFFBoston trends to greatness" by Peter Keough for more reviews and trailers for movies playing at the Independent Film Festival Boston.