Matt Damon doesn't shy from roles that address the questions that can really bother a guy - like identity (the Bourne movies), death (Hereafter), and now the meaning of it all. Based on a Philip K. Dick story, this metaphysical fable takes place in a world somewhere between The Matrix and It's a Wonderful Life, where David (Damon), an up-and-coming politician, bumps into Elise (Emily Blunt) as he rehearses a concession speech in a men's room. They fall in love, but mysterious agents — not men in black but men in fedoras - strive to keep them apart for reasons only the "Chairman" knows. By now it's clear that the Chairman is, in fact, the supreme scriptwriter, and we can only hope he has a better narrative going than those responsible for this movie, with its magical doors and ponderous mystifications. At least the filmmakers have Blunt and Damon to rely on; you can believe they share a love stronger than any revision.