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Best of Boston 2009

Paul Rudd

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19. Judd Apatow and Friends

In their non-probing, unprovocative films, the characters this Hollywood comedic mafia chooses to celebrate are homely, smoke a lot of pot, and watch way too much porn. We get it. Yes, Apatow, Seth Rogen, and Jonah Hill aren’t exactly anyone’s dream dates based on physical attributes alone. But we saved a special unsexy spot for this threesome based on the inescapable fact that we’re completely sick of getting inundated with their repetitive shtick. Apatow gets bonus unsexy points for the right-wing current bubbling beneath his flicks.  
By Boston Phoenix Staff  |  March 25, 2009

Review: Monsters Vs. Aliens

A force to be reckoned with
Susan Murphy (voice of Reese Witherspoon) has it all: she's about to marry the love of her life and jet off to Paris.
By TOM MEEK  |  March 24, 2009

Review: I Love You, Man

Paul Rudd and Jason Segel subvert stereotypes
I Love You, Man starts up where He's Just Not into You left off, with some poor emasculated bastard being sacrificed to some clinging, needy, borderline psychotic bitch at the altar.
By PETER KEOUGH  |  March 20, 2009

Interview: Paul Rudd

His bromantic side
"With Lou Ferrigno there was also that element of excitement that I think we had with Rush."
By PETER KEOUGH  |  March 20, 2009

Hope springs infernal

Brimstone and buddy movies are on the Hollywood agenda
Given the current economic climate, spring this year is a season more of dread than of hope for change.
By PETER KEOUGH  |  March 16, 2009

Anti-depressant cinema

The screen offers relief from a world of woe
The screen offers relief from a world of woe
By PETER KEOUGH  |  January 09, 2009

Role Models

A respectably quirky buddy flick
The movie, populated by improv/stand-up veterans in supporting roles, is more about its episodic parts than about the cinematic whole they yield.
By PETER HYMAN  |  November 07, 2008

Autumn peeves

Films with a full agenda
With pundits already reading political significance into summer blockbusters like The Dark Knight (“Is Batman a stand-in for George Bush? Discuss.”), the meatier movies of fall arrive not a moment too soon.
By PETER KEOUGH  |  September 11, 2008

Forgetting Sarah Marshall

A limp comedic effort
Judd Apatow gave the dick joke a shot of Viagra in Knocked Up and Superbad .
By TOM MEEK  |  April 16, 2008

Over Her Dead Body

No pulse
TV stars Eva Longoria Parker and Lake Bell find life after TV in this beyond-the-grave rom-com.
By TOM MEEK  |  January 30, 2008

Primary concerns

2008 releases offer campaign reform
The last thing people are looking for when they go to the movies is a reminder of the political crapola they are trying to escape.
By PETER KEOUGH  |  December 28, 2007

The Ten

Hallelujah the hodgepodge
Winona Ryder, for example, plays a newlywed who gets sexually liberated by a dummy (the wooden kind).
By TOM MEEK  |  August 01, 2007

Mother of convention

Women get screwed in Knocked Up
Having laughed more at The 40-Year-Old Virgin than at any other film in 2005, I expected much the same from Judd Apatow’s Knocked Up .
By PETER KEOUGH  |  May 30, 2007

The girls of summer

The season for blockbusters, sequels, and . . . great roles for women?
It’s summer, so no one’s surprised at the onslaught of sequels, adaptations, or even movies based on toys. But films with Oscar-caliber women’s roles?
By PETER KEOUGH  |  May 18, 2007

Political Movement

And who will dig Diggers?
Jeff Silva and Alla Kovgan are the curators of the long-going Balagan Film Series at the Coolidge Corner, and also estimable cinéastes in their own right.
By GERALD PEARY  |  April 24, 2007

Reno 911!: Miami

Unconstrained by the small screen
It remains true to form by focusing on the little things, like thongs, of which there are more than in any other movie this year.
By BROOKE HOLGERSON  |  February 28, 2007

The Oh in Ohio

Better than The 40-Year Old Virgin
Parker Posey is a self-described “unmeltable ice queen” and “ball of fear” in Billy Kent’s likable indie comedy that (though no one will believe it) is better than The 40-Year Old Virgin . Watch the trailer for The Oh in Ohio  (QuickTime)
By A.S. HAMRAH  |  August 02, 2006

El Presidente

The career of Dan Hedaya
If there’s an extra hop in our step this week, it’s because we’re talking about Dan Hedaya, our top-tier, number-one, ultimate favorite character actor of all.
By RYAN STEWART  |  July 20, 2006

The ultimate BROADCAST JOURNALIST movies

Movies . . . one profession at a time
Judging from the handful of movies made on the subject, filmmakers have little apparent use for the television business.
By RYAN STEWART  |  March 10, 2006

Heat of the moment

The 40-Year-Old Virgin plays with itself too much
There's a reason comedies are rarely over 110 minutes, and Virgin is a good example.
By RYAN STEWART  |  January 19, 2006

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