Exclamation Point! diversifies its portfolio
By SUSANNA BOLLE | September 23, 2008
.jpg) Jorrit Dijkstra |
The Exclamation Point! series started as an informal gathering of local poets, writers and theater folks, but this Saturday its organizers, the Fort Point Theatre Project, have broadened their scope and gone seriously eclectic. Now, in addition to readings and short plays, the night will showcase local experimental musicians, sound artists, and filmmakers.Playwright and series curator SILVIA GRAZIANO was inspired to put together this new sprawling, ambitious sort of bill after reading that many local artists feel the city’s arts scene is segregated. “The purpose of this event is to fight that notion. The various acts have found a way to overlap and dissolve into each other to capture a complete theatrical experience.”
To that end there will be lots of cross-disciplinary collaboration going on that should be anything but run-of-the-mill. Honest. It’s not every day you can hear a reading from a play by Harold Pinter combined with a live set by electronic musician/saxophonist JORRIT DIJKSTRA, or watch hand-painted films by artist DOUGLAS URBANK in conjunction with performances by composer/multimedia artist SANDRA SPRECHER and those wild and woolly sound poets, the HUMAN HAIRS. The Human Hairs will also perform with Graziano, who says, “I really want this to be fun for both the audience and the artists.” And since this installment of Exclamation Point! is being hosted by the Channel Café, you can enjoy a little dinner with your art.

JORRIT DIJKSTRA + THE HUMAN HAIRS + JOHN GAYLE + KIPPY GOLDFARB + SILVIA GRAZIANO + BECCA A. LEWIS + SANDRA SPRECHER + DOUGLAS URBANK + ED VALENTINE + VANESSA VARTABEDIAN | Channel Café, 300 Summer St, South Boston | September 27 | 7:30 pm | free [donations accepted] | 617.721.8555 | //www.fortpointtheatrechannel.org
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