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Fakts One

Long Range | Greenstreets
By CHRIS FARAONE  |  July 22, 2008
3.0 3.0 Stars
Fakts One was the Perceptionists’ DJ behind Mr. Lif and Akrobatik when the group pushed their black dialogue past Boston, into the arms of El-P at Def Jux, and onto Rolling Stone’s top-albums-of-the-year list. Since then, Fakts has been AWOL; it would seem that not even his close friends get birthday calls. Long Range is the guest-heavy production disc that disappeared with the man and the myth about five years ago. Fakts never built a repertoire deep enough to secure his own specific sound, but on Long Range he proves he can dip into a variety of styles and cater tracks around any MC’s individual tastes. The Grayskul cut is eerie, with cranked rock guitars scattered on the hook. J-Live connects over an intricate, rolling sound tapestry that’s mixed so that his lessons don’t fall through the seams; the Little Brother track sounds as if it had come off 9th Wonder’s boards. The highlights are Universal’s “U from the Q,” “Longevity” with Cali Agents, and Rocklyn’s “Life Music” — all of which suggest that Fakts was inches away from coming into a vibe that was not only very much his own but very much hot to death.
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