Directed by Chris Rodley, this BBC documentary is a wry, amusing bit of American-art-world sleuthing. Brit reporter Alan Yentob is called into the strange case of a New York collector whose 1965 self-portrait of Andy Warhol, on sale for $2 million, has been declared worthless and inauthentic by the mysterious Andy Warhol Art Authentication Board.
But what does "authentic" mean with regard to Warhol, who happily mass-produced his art and often wasn't even there when his lowly paid underlings were silk-screening?
Yentob chats with art historians, dealers, and former Warhol Factory employees, and to a person they are a colorful, yarn-telling lot. Andy himself would love the to-do concerning his mountains of left-over work. What would he say about this documentary? "Gee!" or "Wow!"
52 minutes | Museum of Fine Arts: December 4, 28