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Editors' Picks
Keren Ann
This event occurs in the past,
June 9 2011
100 Northern Ave, Boston, MA
(view map)
Continent-straddling songstress Keren Ann performs at the ICA tonight in support of her sixth solo effort 101 (Blue Note) — her first new album in almost four years. The Israeli chanteuse divides her time among Paris, Tel Aviv, and New York, and her sultry, film noir–esque music reflects those contrasting sensibilities. Combining dreamy lounge style melodies with biting humor and quixotic lyricism, the she has cultivated a dedicated following who will likely show their numbers tonight.
Keren Ann (born Keren Ann Zeidel in Caesarea, Israel, on March 10, 1974) is a singer/songwriter with dual Dutch-Israeli citizenship. She plays guitar, piano and...
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