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Editors' Picks
Tonya and Nancy: The Rock Opera

Poor Tonya Harding, we sort of feel sorry for her. Sure, she caught a bad rap with that whole “enlisting a thug to maim a competitor” hullabaloo but, c’mon, she just really wanted to win, okay? Things only went downhill from there for Tonya — the sex tape, the weight gain, the attempt at a musical career, and the numerous run-ins with the law following that first legal sticky wicket. We’re glad that the one good thing that came out of that mess, TONYA & NANCY: THE ROCK OPERA, is back in town for a four-night stand at Oberon. The absurdly funny, overly melodramatic production follows the events leading up to the famous attack on Nancy Kerrigan. With some surprisingly poignant moments amidst the comedy and a rousing soundtrack, Tonya & Nancy plays out as Harding probably wishes it had all gone down. Maybe.
Elizabeth Searle and Michael Teoli’s rock opera adds a dark comic edge to the story of the competition between Tonya Harding and Nancy Kerrigan at the 1994 US Figure Skating Championships. That would be the story involving Harding’s ex-husband trying to even the odds by conspiring with friends to attack Kerrigan at a practice session, injuring her knee with a collapsible police baton. Janet Roston directs.