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Editors' Picks
If you aren’t? fortunate enough to be slipping off to the Cape for the 4th, don’t fret (some of us couldn’t scrounge up an invite to be a guest at anyone’s shore house either — go figure). There are a couple of silver linings to being stuck in the sweltering city on the biggest holiday weekend of the summer. For one, you won’t find yourself stuck for hours in all that Cape traffic (which is essentially tantamount to Dante’s 9th Circle of Hell) and you get to attend Chowderfest today. Save your appetite: you’re going to want to sample all the chowders of all the participating restaurants including Anthem Kitchen and Bar, Jerry Remy’s, and more. Three-time winner the Chart House will serve up their Hall of Fame Chowder, too. So when all your co-workers return with their glowing summer tans, just show ’em the three pounds of chowder weight you packed on this weekend.