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Editors' Picks
WFNX Presents Alternatour with Fitz and the Tantrums"
This event occurs in the past,
June 28 2011
967 Comm Ave, Boston, MA
(view map)
The latest installment in WFNX’s Alternatour free show series hits the Paradise tonight with LA neo-soul group Fitz and the Tantrums. Lead singer Michael Fitzpatrick began creating his brand of soul and blues-infused indie pop as a solo artist on an old church organ and — though the group has since expanded to include six more members and more than a few brass instruments — the Tantrums maintain that Motown, down-home feel. Toes will most certainly be tapping to this snazzy group, who have cultivated a certain natty Motown style. Tune in to WFNX to score tix for the show.
Fitz & The Tantrums
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Sat, Aug 13 2011