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Editors' Picks
Alkaline Trio + MewithoutYou + The Drowning Men
Last month, dark pop-punk rockers Alkaline Trio celebrated 15 years together by releasing Damnesia (Epitaph), a compilation of purported greatest hits/fan favorites (a description that’s a bit contradictory, considering the album also contains two spanking new songs and a Violent Femmes cover. But hey, who’s counting?). Damnesia is the Illinois trio’s eighth studio album, proving the alt band’s admirable staying power in a genre marked by one-record wonders and guy-liner-tinged tears of career despair. Help the boys in black celebrate with Mewithoutyou and the Drowning Men.
Alkaline Trio is a punk rock band from Chicago, Illinois consisting of Matt Skiba (guitar/vocals), Dan Andriano (bass/vocals), and Derek Grant (drums/backing vocals). Their music...
Pennsylvania-based mewithoutYou is known for their original vocal style and introspective lyrics of lead vocalist Aaron Weiss, as well as their prominent bass riffs and...
Drowning Men