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Editors' Picks
Leon Redbone
This event occurs in the past,
Aug 11 2011
400 Soldiers Field Rd, Boston, MA
(view map)
Long before there was Pokey LaFarge dressing up in character, there was the character Leon Redbone, going back to the music of the ’20s and before, just him and his guitar — and maybe an occasional tuba — assaying the likes of Blind Blake (“Diddy Wah Diddy”), Jelly Roll Morton (“Winin’ Boy Blues”), Irving Berlin (“My Walking Stick”), and the occasional well-turned original (“Crazy Blues”). Redbone’s sly baritone delivery and mysterious saloon-dude persona (fedora, shades) belie a deep knowledge of great tunes — and how to get them across.
Redbone, who has a distinctive deep voice, began his career in the 1970s. His work encompasses pre-war jazz, ragtime, & blues styles with modern arrangements...
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