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Editors' Picks
The Dogmatics + The Neats + Band 19
One of the last times our senior arts writer saw Band 19 was around 1985 at Chet’s Last Call on Causeway Street, when guitarist/vocalist Richie Parsons jumped in the air, knocked his headstock through the acoustic tile on the ceiling, and fell off the stage on his back — still playing. Anyway, that was then. Now, Band 19, along with some of their cohort from the city’s core ’80s club scene, are coming together for a cancer benefit (specifically, this year’s Pan-Mass Challenge bicycle marathon, scheduled for August 6 and 7). Joining Parsons and company will be the Dogmatics, the Neats, and Last Stand. Former Dogmatics manager Juli Kryslur and T.T. the Bear’s booker Randi Millman will DJ, and special guests will include Painted Lights and Mean Creek.