We put a comic on the hot seat. This week’s victim . . .
By SARA FAITH ALTERMAN | October 29, 2008
If I gave you a beautiful and special golden locket, whose picture would you put inside?
I would put my own picture inside. I would ask people if they’ve seen this man and show it to them. Then when they say, “But that’s you!”, then I’d act like they’re crazy.
Election day is upon us! Which part of the voting process are you most excited about?
I like to take my time surveying the voting booths, slowly walking past each one for about 20 minutes. Then I pick one, say, “Yes. This is the one. This will do,” and go in there for about 20 more minutes and make a lot of noise. I like to bring sparklers and other loud sound effects in there to make it seem like I’m thinking hard enough to cause a fire. Then I emerge and tell the ladies at the table I lost my ballot.
You’re an Emerson College alum. Give me your best pun on the word “lion.”
I’d be “lion” if I thought that was funny.
Complete this sentence: I would rather ____ than hear the word “maverick” ever again.
I would rather maverick than hear the word “maverick” again. That’s right, I made it into a verb.Jon Rineman | Comedy Studio, Cambridge | October 31 | 617.661.6507 or www.thecomedystudio.com or www.rinemania.com.
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