[mp3] The Lights Out EP: Is this the finest cover art released in 2010?

Earlier this month the solid dudes in The Lights Out abruptly released an EP of new material called Rock Pony, and celebrated accordingly with your standard EP-release party down at the Middle East in Cambridge. Designed as a tasty rock n' roll stop-gap between albums -- a follow-up to last year's "Color Machine" is in the works, but these jams were just itching for release -- the four-song EP is catching some well-deserved attention for reasons beyond the music: the Rock Pony cover art.
Seriously, look at that fucking thing. Is it the finest music album or EP cover released this year? On The Download was so intrigued by all this, we reached out to Lights Out guitarist Adam Ritchie, who shared the story of the mystical, elusive Rock Pony:
Jesse [Salucci, Lights Out drummer] and I were finishing up an eventful day of getting massaged on beds of nails at Burning Man, and were about to suit up into our electroluminescent luchador costumes for the evening. Off in the distance, we saw a mirage on the horizon and flagged a pirate ship on wheels to take us across the desert. When we got closer, the mirage solidified into a vision of relentless awesomeness: a Les Paul-wielding centaur babe, with flaming hair and skin unmarred by the desert sun. She kicked up her heels, winked at us and galloped off into the sunset. We knew the rest of the band wouldn’t believe us, so it’s a good thing Jesse managed to snap a photo before she disappeared. When we got home, we showed it to Matt [King, Lights Out bassist], who smiled and said, “Now that is one fine rock pony.” And that’s how our EP got a name and a cover.
Amazing story. Be sure to download The Lights Out mp3 below, and note that the entire Rock Pony EP can be purchased through Kunaki.com or across merch tables of their current tour, which kicks off tonight in Philadelphia.
DOWNLOAD: The Lights Out "Do Yourself A Favor" [mp3]