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DQM does NewsNight: Edwards and "Rockefeller"--updated!


...Tonight at 8 pm on New England Cable News. We'll be discussing coverage of 1. John Edwards' affair and 2. "Clark Rockefeller."

Right now, I plan to say that the press as a whole was too slow to cover Edwards' dalliance. This isn't a private matter: for example, if Edwards' infidelity had become a major story at the beginning of the Democratic primaries, Hillary Clinton could be the nominee now rather than Barack Obama. So why the dearth of coverage? In no particular order, I'd cite sympathy for Elizabeth Edwards; distaste for the National Enquirer, which drove the story; and a general reluctance to chase scoops from other media outlets, tabloid or no.

Meanwhile, I have zero sympathy for the scolds who think the "Clark Rockefeller" story has received too much attention. Good God, people! This is an incredible tale, a real-life Talented Mr. Ripley in which Boston plays a starring role. If it's too tawdry for your taste, spend some time at one of the zillion other news outlets available on the Web until this saga simmers down. 

Also, my preliminary research suggests that the Herald has been driving the "Rockefeller" coverage more than the Globe. But I may amend that judgment by this evening.

Readers, what say you?

UPDATE! I won't be talking about "Clark Rockefeller" tonight, but his attorney will. That said, in the wake of some bracing pushback from a Globie--"utterly off the wall" were the words used--I'll be posting tomorrow on the Herald and Globe's respective victories on that story. 

  • Michael Pahre said:

    I think that the "Clark Rockefeller" coverage was excessive in the beginning when it was a kidnapping.  There were four amber alerts around the same time, but this one got far more coverage at first, probably because the victim was a cute blond girl.

    After his identity itself came into scrutiny, however, the coverage has been more appropriate.  But the media circus covering his arrival at Logan and transport to Brighton was over-the-top -- did they really need helicopters overhead for a guy being transported in a police car?

    August 11, 2008 10:12 AM
  • aging cynic said:

    Appropriate. Sadly, we haven't yet learned anything about Sandra Boss other than that her judgment and advice were valued at over $100K/MONTH by McKinsey&Co. while she was "married" to Herr Crockefeller. Her clients must be thrilled.(Clark has already disappeared from the Algonquin Club's list of officers on their website, "Clark Who?").

    August 11, 2008 6:01 PM
  • Johnny Beans said:

    Sandra Boss remains an unknown entity. There should definitely be more questions in her direction since the fate of a child is at stake. But look back to California...what happened to Ms. Sohus (Linda) and has there been any thought of the possibility that she murdered her husband and then 'disappeared' to Europe? and what will everyone say when 'Mr. Rockefeller' disappears again. After all, he's not being held in a maximum security facility - only in a county jail, in the general population. And he does seem to be a master of alternate identities. Where is the much vaunted homeland 'homeland security' apparatus now? A 17 year old illegal evades detection for 20+ years ..? Give me a break!

    Good luck, Suffolk County Sheriff!

    August 13, 2008 10:55 PM

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