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Conspiracy Theories From The Right

It certainly seems as though the right wing of the blogosphere will be kept quite busy over the next three-and-a-half weeks -- so little time, and so many Obama scandals to investigate!

Over at National Review Online's blog, The Corner, Mark Hemmingway suspects -- based on, um, nothing -- that Tony Rezko may be telling the feds about nefarious dealings with a bank where Illinois State Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias once worked. And we care because? Because Giannoulias has connections to Barack Obama! Hemmingway concludes: "Maybe there's nothing there, but it's worth looking into right?" Um, right.

At American Thinker, Jack Cashill has another bombshell: he has proved conclusively -- well, not so much proved conclusively as made up in his head -- that Obama's memoir Dreams From My Father was not really penned by Obama but was secretly ghostwritten by William Ayers. (Best line of Cashill's essay: "In Obama's defense, he did grow up in Hawaii.") Hey, Cashill is nothing but fair -- lamenting, for instance, that Obama doesn't simply come forward with proof, rather than guarding his past "more zealously than Saddam did his nuclear secrets.  And I suspect, at the end of the day, we will pay an equally high price for Obama's concealment as Saddam's." So you see how high the stakes are!

The free world is presumably at stake when you have TOP OBAMA CAMPAIGN FINANCIER WORKING WITH STATE SPONSORS OF TERRORISM TO UNDERMINE U.S., as we are warned by Kristin Taylor at The article -- which is "heavily documented with supporting links," the author herself assures us, uncovers the secret link between Obama and the terrorists, who turns out to be a co-founder of Code Pink. The story "is very troubling for our nation," and yet one that "our news media refuses to investigate and report," Taylor says.

Oh, and I recently noted that nobody on the right was blaming the stock market collapse on investors' fears of an impending Obama Presidency. That only lasted a few hours; the ever-reliable Jonah Goldberg was the first one I saw pose the theory. But now we have the always entertaining editorial page of Investors Business Daily chiming in:

"Why has the market dropped so much?" everyone asks. What is it about the specter of our first socialist president and the end of capitalism as we know it that they don't understand?

Sadly, there is oh so much we don't understand. Thank goodness these folks will be keeping busy informing us!

  • LorenzoJennifer said:

    Here I go again, bein' the skunk at the garden party.  Way too many people believe that these

    droppings of horse manure contain nuggets of wisdom.  A Scripps Howard News Service/Ohio University poll was conducted among 1,015 adults in September. Their findings, as reported in the New York Post of 10/10/08 included the following . . .

    : 90% had heard Obama was a closet Muslim;

    : 57% had heard that he doesn't recite the Pledge of Allegiance;

    : 24% had heard he is the antichrist.

    John McCain was included in the poll and the following was found . . .

    : 1/3 had heard McCain was brainwashed and 46% of those saw it as likely that people would believe it;

    Barack's problem is that he is not that well known to the general public despite having authored two best selling books.  McCain's problem is that many rumors - - begun by George W. Bush in their 2000 GOP primary contest - - continue to this day.

    October 12, 2008 7:44 AM
  • steve8714 said:

    I don't think we need unfounded rumors to know that Obama is at once a socialist and a globalist.

    An Obama presidency would erode sovereignty and be the start of a period of unprecedented cultural and language erosion in the US.

    In ten years we'd look like Paris, with cities surrounded by suburbs full of millions of unassimilated illegal immigrants clamoring for their language and culture to be imposed on the rest of us.  American exceptionalism is a defense mechanism against corrupt foreign cultures, the cultures which enslave millions.  God help us all if we forget that.

    October 16, 2008 9:27 AM
  • claymaximus said:

    I love how we on the RIGHT are the conspiracy theorist. THe Author of this lame article should of done some fact checking before he wrote, or he would of realized that Kristann Taylor is actually a guy. I am so sick of how we get accused of of the "conspiracy theories" then later we are proven correct.

    Where was David S. Bernstein when we had Cynthia McKinney just a couple of weeks ago telling a group in Oakland that 5000 people in New Orleans were executed then dumped in the Bayou? Or how about that Gov. Palin belongs to a cult? Or how Sarah's baby is really her daughters? I have lived by this motto and I think this moron should too "people that live in glass houses should not throw stones".

     One of the biggest reasons why we on the RIGHT we are considered Conspiracy theorists was because of Joe McCarthy. The Liberals destroyed that man, and I even thought during college he was evil, until I did my own research. Then back in 1997 the reports were made public and it backed Joe McCarthy, he was correct on 94% of his claims, but no body said anything. It is sad this day and age when people who do wrong are rewarded and the ones that are doing right get punished, purely for agenda reasons!

    October 16, 2008 10:37 AM
  • Warner Todd Huston said:

    Apparently Davy boy never heard of Je$$e Jackson's many conspiracy theories, or Michael Moore, or Rosie O'Donnell, or any 9/11 truther, or the leftist wackos in the globalism fight... for that matter the man made global warming tosh. How about every leftist idiot claiming the only reason people aren't voting for Obama is "because he's black"? How about ow you leftist twits imagine that Karl Rove is behind everything or that Bush is simultaneously the dumbest man in the world yet able to organize the biggest conspiracy ever by creating 9/11 as an "excise" to invade Iraq!?  If you want wacko conspiracy theories, go to the left. The left makes the right look like pikers.

    October 17, 2008 2:37 AM

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