
Film pick: Alien and Aliens

Next to Blade Runner, Alien (1979) is Ridley Scott's best movie. So it's good news that he's returning to the sci-fi genre with an Alien prequel. In the meantime, you can catch his excruciatingly suspenseful tale of a crew on a shabby interstellar cargo ship picked off one by one by the title intruder. Sigourney Weaver made a name for herself in Scott's film, and she returns in James Cameron's pluralized sequel Aliens (1986), forever immortalizing the line "Get away from her, you bitch!" Both are screening at the Coolidge Corner Theatre, 290 Harvard St, Brookline | Alien: October 15-16 @ midnight; Aliens: October 18 @ 7 pm | $9 | 617.734.2500 or

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